Does your brand name say it all?

When you're starting a business, you've got a lot of demands on your time. So brainstorming different brand names may not be your top priority. However, just like with people, the moniker you choose is how you introduce yourself to customers. Get it wrong and it could give them an inaccurate first impression that's difficult to shake off.

It's true that other brand elements, such as a logo, do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to brand recognition. The right colours can increase how memorable a business is by up to 80%. Think judging individuals in seven seconds is quick? Well, most people take half a second to form an opinion about a website.

With visual elements influencing more than half of people's first impressions of a brand, these parts of your toolkit are worth spending time over. However, as people get to know your business, names become more important. In some cases, like Hyundai's, they can become a barrier to customers finding out more, with 605,000 people misspelling it in an average month.

The importance of first impression

Even if you're better at remembering faces than names in the first instance, the images you create in your mind of 'Zoltan', 'Becky' or 'Pierre' will be very different. These impressions are tied closely to the interactions you've had with people of that name in the past and how these relationships made you feel.

Similarly, a brand name is the first indication a customer gets of the values a business holds, the type of experience they may provide and the feelings they’re likely to inspire. It's the first step to building trust and authenticity, both of which are key influences for customers choosing the businesses they want to buy from.

In short, a well-chosen name doesn't just create a first impression, it encapsulates the essence of your business and projects this to customers. So, thinking about your mission, services and target audience is key to choosing a name that will resonate and stay memorable. This article will set out some tactics to help you find a title that fits.

Ways to find your best brand name

Even if you're completely clear on your business's 'why', trying to capture it in a name that also reflects your brand's character and hints at what you do can feel like spinning creative plates. If great ideas aren't coming to you straight away, here are some thought-starters to get you going.

Think about your customers

Snacking is on-to-go, quick and designed to keep you going on busy days. Grazing allows you to take some time out, relax and enjoy a mix of delicious flavours. These feelings of pleasure and enjoyment are what the brand name Graze conjures, and it comes from thinking about the actions of their consumers.

By choosing a verb to describe what customers do with their small bites, the business doesn't just describe their product, it evokes an experience they want to create. As small as their food boxes, the name is memorable and versatile. It also has positive connotations with social time and sharing. Directly related to the product, it's easy to quickly understand what the brand offers too.

Highlight what you do

The Pinterest name combines two key functionalities of the social media platform, 'pinning' your 'interests’. This explains what the tool does and the type of experience people will get using it.  The way these words are combined also hints at the creativity which drives the business forward – tailoring images, articles and other content to individual preferences.

An 'elevator pitch' of a name, it describes exactly what the business does while also evoking the character of the brand. This gives customers a sense of what interactions with Pinterest will feel like, helping it directly appeal to their creativity-focused target audiences.

Put purpose at the centre

What is a human's most basic need after food and water? By putting it at the centre of their brand, Shelter encapsulates their purpose in a single word. It also highlights the importance of their work by putting this essential human right upfront in a clear and direct way. Seemingly simple, it holds the meaning and weight of the organisation's mission, making it impactful and memorable. The name is also highly evocative, designed to bring the core issues to the front of the audiences mind.

Beyond a roof over people's heads, the charity offers support to the people who visit them. This is hinted at in the brand name, which has connotations of giving safety and refuge to the vulnerable.

By creating a sense of care, Shelter emphasises the humanness of what they do and appeals to the donors and volunteers that support them.

Go against industry norms

If you've done something others in your sector couldn't, then your brand name is the first touchpoint where you can stand out from the crowd. Impossible Foods have proven it’s possible to do what 'couldn't be done' by creating a plant-based meat, and they sum up their ground-breaking product in the boldness of their name.

Creating intrigue at the first impression, the brand moniker also hints at being aspirational and innovative, a business that breaks down the most difficult boundaries. This gives the sense of their product being cool and cutting-edge, an appeal that goes beyond the vegan crowd and demands wider customer attention.

Get help with discovering your brand name

If finding a brand name that fits is proving a difficult task, we can help. From encapsulating a solopreneur's character in a single word to creating a corporate brand that will capture attention in a crowded market, our team will turn your mission, values and personality into a captivating brand.

To find out how, call us on 01926 754038 or, drop us an email at


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