The 'Did you know we do' series
As an agency, we refer to ourselves as a full service team. But, what does it mean to be a full service agency and, how can partnering with us help deliver positive and effective change for your business and brand?
Being a full service agency means that we provide a 360 degree creative service to support our clients brand and marketing needs.
We treat branding as our core service because we believe everything starts at, and should be guided by, the brand. Our services then extend and vary, from specific marketing activities such as, social media, email marketing, technical SEO and, full marketing strategy development, creation and implementation – to the larger, brand and business development, websites and eCommerce platforms.
Our team recognises that business owners are so immersed in the day-to-day running of a business, that more often than not they stop paying attention to seismic changes in the market and the business itself. Consequently, leading to brands falling behind, websites not being as effective and no longer meeting audience expectations and, marketing efforts no longer achieving ROI.
So, we decided to shoot a mini series we call 'Did you know we do'. Each video is a snippet showcase of our expertise, but – more crucially – asks intentional questions of business owners, inviting them to look inwards at the potential areas where their own brands and businesses may be failing and how they can take action.
By sharing our knowledge, we want start the conversation on how you can begin the journey of making positive changes for your businesses continued success.
Without further ado...
Did you know we do... Business Consultancy
Taking the time to stop and reevaluate your business, is fundamental to understanding where it currently sits in the marketplace and – more importantly – where you want it to be in the future.
Businesses change and markets evolve, the key to continued success is being able to analyse, develop and adapt to keep everything aligned.
We ask...
Did you know we do... Brand Strategy and Development
Your brand is the very essence of your business.
Think of your business as a person with its own personality. This means it should have its own tone of voice, it should have a distinct look all of its own, it should communicate the values and principles your team stands by, and it should stand out in a crowded room (the crowded room being a room full of your direct competitors).
We ask...
Did you know we do... Website Design and Development
Your business website should be viewed as an extension of your team, one that is working hard for your business in an effective, customer-centric and conversions-driven way.
But, it also needs to be much more than that.
Your audience should experience your website. It should take them on a journey that tells them about your brands history, about the team that they will meet, shares the knowledge and insights you have, and more – the audience wants to feel connected to your business.
We ask...
Did you know we do... Search Engine Optimisation
Businesses 'went digital' with a boom amid the Covid-19 crisis, changing the online business landscape for good.
With an influx of online competitors, coupled with ever-changing Google algorithms, the only way to increase the stature and effectiveness of your website, is to optimise it with specialist Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
We ask...
Did you know we do... Digital Marketing
Applying digital marketing activities for your business should not use the 'scattergun approach'.
The key to achieving your marketing goals, is spending the time to understand, nurture and create a community with your target audience. Developing customer loyalty creates advocates of your brand and service.
We ask...
Did you know we do... Video Production
With all forms of marketing there is one rule – content is king!
Audiences across all digital platforms are more likely to engage with video content – it is faster to divulge, visually engaging and - most importantly - real! Whether you want to promote a new product or service, tell the story of your brand or, share the testimonial of a customer, capturing it with high quality video will captivate your audience.
We ask...
Your creative partner for success
This video series is just a snippet of the experience and collective expertise our agency team brings to the table. We form long-standing relationships with our clients, supporting them at every step of their brand and business evolutionary journey.
We believe in working with open honesty at all times, and more often than not we go above and beyond the call of duty.
Whether you are a startup venture or a highly established business, if you're looking for an experienced and versatile creative team that you can rely on, get in touch with us today.
To read the full details about the range of services we provide and the processes we apply, click here
Call us on 01926 754038 or, drop us an email at hello@designmc.org and one of our team will be in touch for a chat.
The Bloopers...
Finally, we're sure as you were reading this, that you were thinking, 'there is no way those videos we're shot without some epic fails by the team' – and, you would be correct!
So, here is the blooper reel for your enjoyment (and our embarrassment).
Looking to realign, refresh or redevelop your brand or business marketing strategy? Send us an email at hello@designmc.org or, give us a call direct on 01926 754038 for an informal chat.